What does this Saturday mean to you? I’m pretty sure that most of you will be catching up on sleep, or hitting the malls to spend the money you’ve worked so hard to earn, while yet another group will be happily seated at a mahjong table with friends. This particular Saturday marks Earth Hour though, the global initiative to go green by reducing energy wastage. So you mahjong players can also help do your part by turning off the lights from 8.30 – 9.30pm, and try your hand (excuse the pun) at feeling your tiles instead of actually seeing them. Hey, the government is always asking us to broaden our skill set anyway, right? If however, you’d like an easier option to save our Earth, NFW has put together a short introduction to automatic and solar watches which help reduce battery use, and make you feel that bit better about yourself.
First up, we have automatic watches, a topic we covered just a while back. To recap, these are powered by your body’s natural motion (e.g. walking; dubious wrist movements while attempting to dance at the club) or mechanically done by a watch winder. When left untouched for a period of time, typically a day, the watch stops moving until jolted into action by motion again.
Automatic Picks
Solar watches, on the other hand, eliminate the need for battery change through the use of a solar panel which converts light into electrical energy to power the watch. The watch will usually store this energy in a rechargeable cell to power itself during the night or when obscured from a direct light source.
Solar watches, on the other hand, eliminate the need for battery change through the use of a solar panel which converts light into electrical energy to power the watch. The watch will usually store this energy in a rechargeable cell to power itself during the night or when obscured from a direct light source.
Solar Picks
As a bonus for helping to keep our planet greener, enjoy S$10 off the above featured watches when you flash this blog post at our Bugis Plus NFW store from now till 31 March 2017. Because good deals must share! Now excuse me while I go build some solar panels (times are tough, hence my part-time gig).